Walking the Environmental Talk
Calling yourself an “Ecologically responsible flooring company” and actually living out that claim, are two, totally different things. To be an ecologically responsible flooring company, you need to provide innovative products that protect the environment.
What is Long Life ™ Flooring?
Horner Sports Flooring’s Long Life™ or L2 flooring option is just one product that proves our commitment to the environment. Long Life flooring provides the wear depth of 1 inch thick flooring (33/32”) in a ¾” (25/32”) flooring. So it not only provides an extended life floor, it does so using 25% less wood. This is accomplished by moving the tongue and groove lower in the profile and reducing them in size slightly. This can be done because modern milling techniques allow for more precise cutting and shaping. With more and more lumber mills providing less rough cut lumber over 1 inch, the availability and cost of raw material for 33/23” flooring is increasingly scarce and expensive. But with L2 you don’t’ need to spend up to get all the benefits of 33/32” flooring. The graphic below show how this is possible:

What are the Benefits of Long Life ™ Flooring?
With Long Life ™, you get an additional 3-4 sandings over the life of your floor. Under normal maintenance schedules, this can be 15-20 years, or more, of additional life. These benefits are available on nearly every Horner system that uses 25/32” flooring. That list includes nearly all systems. So if you are looking at replacing an old floor or are flooring a new facility, ask your architect to specify L2 – Long Life ™ wood flooring from Horner Sports Flooring and reap the benefits long into the future. In addition, you will be doing your part to use our natural resources responsibly.
Frequently asked Questions:
Q: Does using a smaller tongue and groove compromise the strength of the floor?
A: No. If Long Life™ flooring is properly installed and the environment maintained, it will perform like a 25/32″ floor with the life of a 33/32” floor.
Q: Are there special nailing requirements or special tools needed to install this flooring?
A: No. Standard methods and materials may be used.
Q: Are there any additional environmental credits available if I install this flooring?
A: None at this time. However, we strongly recommend submitting for a LEED Innovation & Design Process Credit, as this floor embodies the credit’s stated goal to recognize new technologies for their innovative building features and sustainable building techniques, not currently addressed by existing LEED Credits
Q: Can I mix Long Life flooring with standard 25/32” flooring?
A: Long Life ™ flooring cannot be mixed with standard tongue and groove flooring. That means it is not suited for repairs or patching standard wood floors.
If you have any questions about Horner Sports Flooring’s Long Life (TM) flooring option, contact us today.